Sliced cured magret
Ref. 342801

Sliced cured magret

Description Sliced Cured magret of duck

Presentation suggestion The selected piece of the magret, dried naturally and slowly cured to distill its best essences. A small treasure trove of haute cuisine at your fingertips and ready to savor. You only need to breathe a few minutes to savor it in its maximum splendor.

Tasting note Experts say it should be tasted all alone, as appetizer, as a first course, with a simple toast and extra virgin olive oil

Formats About 50gr. of sliced duck magret

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Traditional Roast Beef

Roasted meats


1 Piece of Roast Beef Cuit’s
250gr. baby carrots
250gr. Green peas
250gr. potatoes baby


1 Cut the Roast Beef that Cuit’s has cooked for you in thin slices and reserve (Roast Beef, can be taken cold or tempered, if tempered place the slices in a dish and heats in the microwave at 600v for 30 seconds) .
2 Clean the vegetables and boil separately, drain and fry in a frying pan with olive oil.
3 Have all ingredients separately on the table and each guest is served according to his taste.



Behind every pleasure offered by Cuit's there is a hidden true story and the passion for good taste.

Roasted meats Roasted meats Pâtés Pâtés Exclusive cold meats Exclusive cold meats Duck Mousse Duck Mousse Duck foie gras delicatessen Duck foie gras delicatessen

Pol. Ind. – Ctra. Riudellots, 13
17244 Cassà de la Selva (Girona) SPAIN
Tel. (34) 972 46 15 84


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