Poultry “on the nest”
Ref. 333203

Poultry “on the nest”

Description Pollo deshuesado conservando todas sus carnes y relleno con una receta de carnes de ave y corazón de huevo

Presentation suggestion La carne más sana y digestible y la personalidad del huevo cocido. La salud no está reñida con el sabor

Tasting note Para una gran mesa, al lado de quesos curados y los mejores vinos. Se siente cómodo en cenas, bodas y otras grandes ocasiones

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Foie’s Cornets

Duck mousse


1 Cuit’s Grand Mere Gusso Duck Foie gras can
50g cream cooked to cook
Salted cornets


1 Beat the foie with the beater arm at low power so that the foie is not cut by temperature increase and add the brandy.
2 Mix gently with the whipped cream to cook.
3 Season with pepper
4 Meter in pastry bag and reserve in refrigerator until we use it
5 In the refrigerator it becomes thicker, so it is best to take it out one hour before use to warm it to room temperature and to be smoother.

1 Fill the turbinates with the pastry bag
2 Decorate with flowers ……..
Arrange in a glass filled with maldon salt, chopped almonds ………..



Behind every pleasure offered by Cuit's there is a hidden true story and the passion for good taste.

Roasted meats Roasted meats Pâtés Pâtés Exclusive cold meats Exclusive cold meats Duck Mousse Duck Mousse Duck foie gras delicatessen Duck foie gras delicatessen

Pol. Ind. – Ctra. Riudellots, 13
17244 Cassà de la Selva (Girona) SPAIN
Tel. (34) 972 46 15 84

E-mail: ventas@cuits.com

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